Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hoes before shows...

Last week I discussed the possibility of attending the theatre. I was excited thinking about seeing "Million Dollar Quartet" -- Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins together for one magical night--well not exactly together, together--you get what I mean.
Later that week, I received an invitation to attend a birthday party and one year CANCER FREE party of a firend--It was hard to believe that one year had passed since she told me, "I have breast cancer!" We had spent the weekend together riding, laughing, and having an awesome summer weekend -- Monday morning and the words, "I have breast cancer!"

I wasn't supposed to be hearing those words from my friend, a nurse that has worked on the cancer unit and has a passion for caring--she was not supposed to say, "I have breast cancer!" Someone had made a mistake--my friend should not have to go through this.

As I listened to her sobbing on the other end, I asked the question, "What's the plan!" As nurses we need to know what the treatment course is, what therapy, what surgery, and how long will this incapacitate? She jokes today that I didn't giver her time to cry before I was asking the questions as an advocate for her to understand.

My son and I went to her house a few days later--she apologized for the crying as I hugged her--my son told her it was alright and then took the dogs for a walk. I met her mom that week and her daughter--I heard so much about both and now was meeting them. They are good people.

Cancer treatment is not funny; we found ways to make it tolerable--none of it was ever enjoyable! She was blessed to have family and friends that could pick up the slack and cheer her up when she felt depressed. Throughout her treatment--she always looked beautiful.

I had asked a friend to join me for the concert. When I received the invitation to this party; I forwarded the invitation to him. I asked if he could attend. His response back to me was I thought you wanted to go to the theater. My response back...Hoes before shows!

I love my dear friend especially now that I get the opportunity to spend more time, more summers, and more laughs--she will always be my hoe!

Lessons Learned: Hoes Before Shows: Friends are precious.

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